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Substance Abuse Programs

These programs aim to help addicts who are suffering from substance use disorder, which is a medical term that refers to the abuse of and addiction to alcohol or other substances. These programs are designed to give you the best possible care so that you can work on getting better as soon as possible.

Uncertain about whether a substance abuse treatment program is the right option for you? Here’s what you need to know.

What Is Substance Use Disorder?

Substance use disorder means using alcohol or other substances in a way that makes it impossible to function as normal. Substance use disorder is a mental illness that requires professional treatment. It is not a matter of willpower but rather having the mental and emotional tools to live a healthy, happy life free of substance abuse.

Why Should You Join a Substance Abuse Program?

You should join a substance abuse program if any of the following apply to you:

  • You use drugs and alcohol in order to cope
  • Substance use has become a crutch on which you depend
  • You have tried to stop but have been unable to do so for very long.

A substance abuse program gives you the time, space, and professional resources to recover from a substance use disorder. It’s a safe space where you can work on yourself. The main goal of a substance abuse treatment program is to leave you free of substances and with the tools to live a meaningful life.

Substance Abuse Program: Empowering Long-Term Sobriety

Substance abuse is a chronic disease where individuals get addicted to illegal drugs, alcohol, prescribed or over-the-counter medicines or other substances, consuming them in large amounts and in a harmful manner. These addictions are extremely difficult to treat because they create chemical imbalances in the brain, causing dependence on the addictive substance.

With the advancements in science and technology in the medical industry, various successful programs are available that help people overcome substance abuse. The rehabilitation centers listed here have several programs available such as detoxification, cognitive behavioral therapy, rational emotive behavioral therapy, and contingency management. For lifelong sobriety it’s essential to join a substance abuse treatment program, such as one of those listed here.

Types of Substance Abuse Programs

There are several different substance abuse programs offered by substance use centers. When you go to a center, you will be offered the following options.

Medical Alcohol and Drug Detox Programs

If you are physically dependent on alcohol or drugs, stopping using them cold turkey will lead to withdrawals which can be dangerous. At a substance use treatment program, you will do a medical alcohol and drug detox. This means that medical professionals will oversee the process, providing medication when necessary and ensuring detox goes according to plan. It is the safest and most comfortable way to detox from drugs and alcohol.

Residential Programs

Residential or inpatient treatment refers to the treatment you receive when you choose to stay in the treatment center for the course of the program. You will eat and sleep there, without access to drugs and alcohol. The aim is to give you the space to focus entirely on getting better. Residential programs are considered the best possible treatment for substance use disorders, but there are effective alternatives.

Outpatient Program

With outpatient programs, you still receive treatment at the center. However, once the program is done for the day, you return home. This is not effective for everyone, as some individuals are not yet ready to face the triggers at home without using substances. For people whose substance use disorder is of moderate severity, it may be a good option.

Substance Abuse Programs at the Rehabilitation Center

There will be a number of substance abuse programs available at a good substance abuse treatment center.

Individual Discussion with Patient

Individual Therapy

You will be assigned a licensed therapist with whom you will do individual therapy. In individual therapy, you will delve into the roots of your substance use disorder. You will discuss how your childhood and more recent experiences influenced your dependence on substances. In individual therapy, you will also receive treatment for any co-occurring mental illnesses. These are illnesses such as depression, anxiety, bipolar disorder, and others, which often accompany substance use disorder. If you treat one without treating the other, you will struggle to maintain your sobriety after leaving the center.

Holding Hands During Group Therapy

Group Therapy

Group therapy is considered particularly important for addiction treatment. People suffering from substance use disorder often become very isolated as the substances take up more and more of their time. Group therapy gives you the opportunity to share experiences and recognize yourself in others. You’ll learn that you are not alone, neither in your suffering nor in your recovery.

Family Counseling

Family Therapy

Addiction is often called a family illness. It tears apart relationships. Even those relationships that seem to remain stable can be dangerous in another sense – they can become codependent. If you do not work on your relationships with your family, they may sabotage your recovery without realizing it. Dysfunctional family systems adapt in subtle ways to maintain the dysfunction.

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Behavioral Therapies

Behavioral Therapies help you learn to manage your thoughts and feelings in healthy ways. You’ll learn to recognize triggers and deal with them appropriately rather than giving into them. You’ll also learn to challenge the distorted thinking that may lead you to use substances.

Nutrition Counseling

Fitness and Nutrition

Recovery is a holistic process. After using substances for a long time, your body may not be in great shape. Fitness and nutrition experts in a substance abuse treatment center can help you create a fitness regime and a healthy diet plan. This will make it easier to maintain your physical and mental health.

Mindfulness Based Therapy


Mindfulness is an approach to life that urges you to live in the present. Living in the present moment, even if it hurts, helps you avoid living in a reactive way. Instead of acting before you even know why you are doing so, you learn to pause and observe your mind, slowing down to break the associations that lead to substance use.

Creative Art Therapies

Creative Therapies

Creative therapies like art or music therapy give you a new way to express yourself. While we generally share by speaking to our therapists or friends, some experiences are too difficult to speak of. Creative therapies help you process them without having to untangle the complicated thoughts around them.

Addiction Relapse Prevention

Relapse Prevention

Substance use treatment centers also provide relapse prevention, which gives you the necessary tools to avoid relapse in the future. It consolidates everything you have learned and shows you how to use it practically in the outside world.

What Should You Expect from Substance Abuse Programs?

These programs are designed to provide the best possible treatment for substance use disorders. The above information should give you an outline of what to expect from a substance abuse treatment program, empowering you to make the decision to get help.

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